
How long does it take for weed to be out of ur system?

by  |  earlier

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i have been smoking cones every night now for the last 2 months, ill have anywhere from 3-8 a night, if i was to give, how long will it be for the week to be completly out of my system?




  1. 30 days

  2. i dunno cause im not stupid enough to do it.

  3. Are you fat?

    Drink lots of water. If your not fat 30 days. But s***s thats alot. I dont know.

    I got clean pee if ya need it.

  4. 30 days from the last time you burned.

  5. Approx 48 to 36 hours will allow you to take any tests.

  6. one month

  7. 30 days but if you are skinny and have a high metablolism it could take a few less days

  8. When you ask the question “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” you need to take into account the fact that there is no simple answer to this question. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) can stay in a person's body for as long as 3 to 90 days after smoking or being ingested orally.

    The speed at which marijuana leaves your body depends both on the speed of your metabolism, as well as on the half life of THC. It’s estimated that THC can have a half life that ranges anywhere from 1-10 days. It’s almost impossible to find out what that half life is, which means that it is very difficult to use it to calculate how long it will take for all of the THC to leave your body.

    The most common period of time is anywhere from 3-30 days, depending on your metabolism and the amount of marijuana that you’ve smoked. This is unfortunate, since it means that while most drug tests can only turn up evidence of other drugs if you’ve been taking the drug within a few days of the drug test, marijuana could still be detected in a urine test up to a month after the last time it is used.

    If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis-  it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace- as you are doing now- , it can stay in the body for 90 days, Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

    Hair tests are even worse, since your body stores THC in the hair follicles. For this reason, the previous answers to “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” are only useful if you’re going to be forced to take a urine test. For the hair test, depending on the amount of hair that the company takes, it’s possible that marijuana could be detected up to three years after the last time that you smoke.

    I hope I answered your question thorughly.

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