
How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal?

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I'm having my two bottom wisdom teeth taken out. They've fully come out, I think, and they need to be extracted because they're pushing into my other molars, which is not good coz I already got braces taken out and am very happy with my straight teeth. Anyway, do you think it'll take about 4 days to heal? Like by the 5th day, I'll be able to eat at least soft foods and have no swelling?




  1. My brother just had his done two days ago. He got all 4 extracted. And the day after he had it done he was back to his normal teasing self. The swelling is pretty much all gone and its day 3. As for foods he is still sticking to the pudding soup and ice cream drill but in a few days I bet he'll be right back to normal :)

    Hope it helped :D

  2. someone told me that it took them two weeks for the pain to fully, completely disappear. it may differ though. good luck and fight through it!

  3. Yeah, that's about right.  It'll take a couple weeks to fully heal (took me 4 weeks, but mine were totally impacted), but you should be good to eat soft foods and a lot less swollen within about a week.  Let me give you some advice...  DO NOT try to eat tortilla chips(or anything of the sort for that matter) until everything is fully healed..  Trust me, you DO NOT want to find that out the hard way...  :)  Good luck hun..  You'll be fine...

  4. It generally takes about two to four days before you'll feel like eating anything other than ice cream or soup. It just depends on how your body reacts to the procedure. I had all four of mine taken out at the same time and the swelling was gone by the end of that day after I used ice packs on my face for 15-20 min every hour. I also remember eating spaghetti that night,not easily but I did it!

  5. this is going to sound weird but I actually had a good time when my wisdom teeth were pulled - I was knocked out for the procedure, got out of school and then sat around eating ice cream and popping vicodin for a couple days. good times. think it was just under 4 days for me.  

  6. I got two top teeth extracted and they say that the top is easier than the bottom. however, there are certain foods you can't eat like nuts and hard foods and it's especially bad if you had the bottom two because food travels down and may get into the infected area. however, if you put ice immediately after your wisdom teeth are extracted and keep them on the whole night, you won't have much swelling. i was barely puffy. but i tasted blood for like two days straight. it was h**l.. and now i have to get my bottom two extracted sometime next year.. goodluck. it's not THAT bad though. it wasn't super painful and if yours fully came out already, it should be no sweat.

  7. Yes, that is generally about right.

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