
How long does it take for you to start talking normal after getting your tongue pierced?

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& is the swelling bad? Will taking ibuprofen help?




  1. Everyone is different.  The swelling lasted a few weeks for me.  I had to take Advil for the pain, and it helped, although i did drool on myself a lot.  

  2. ive had my tongue piercing for a month or so now...the swelling still hasnt gone down (Still have to wear my 20mm bar) but it got comfortable and i could talk properly again after a couple of days

  3. its different for everyone... wen i got mine done i talked normal i even went to burger king right after... but my boyfirend talked werid for about a week and couldt eat solid food for a few days.... i wud not recomend takin ibuprofen.. b/c it thins the blood, they will probab;y tell u that too.... eat lots of ice

  4. Well for me it took about 1 week.. but you will always have that lisp Good luck

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