
How long does it take for your average Tiger Tank to get through the English Channel tunnel?

by Guest61146  |  earlier

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It is 50.450 km (31.35 mile long rail tunnel beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover, connecting Coquelles near Calais in northern France to Folkestone, Kent in England and from there it will be top secret.

Any ideas as the tank is heavily armed with instant teas and propaganda touting to embrace non dairy products




  1. guess it depends on who driving the tank....some are quicker than others

  2. Tyler, you don't actually drive through the chunnel... so the same time as anything else I guess.... will it fit on the train?

  3. Well, over here, we dump tea in the harbor.  Don't expose it to water.

    I don't know.  I guess it would depend on traffic and whether you could get officials from within your organization to infiltrate security and whatnot.

    His name is Robert Paulson.

  4. How TANKful are you?

    Those who are mightily blessed in the scripture are those who went out of their way to be a pain in the *** of others!

    They are a molten magma mystery!

    Which Category do you belong?

    why coat a bitter world war with a coat of sugar and honey?

    Go search the scripture!

  5. You mean heavily armed tanks don't float?!?


    No wonder France lost the war...

  6. Though SOME people might mistakenly conclude the Tiger tank would be too big for the tunnel, it is not so as the tunnel is more then one car lane wide and tall enough to fit large trucks inside of it.

    It would depend on if they had to run over any traffic inside the tunnel.  However, the top rated speed of a Tiger tank was touted at approx 40 miles per hour, thus we have a very good estimate of one solid hour.  This gives you a lot of time to be tankful for.

  7. After studying the Tiger Tank's schematics, it pains me to report that the tank is too wide by 2" (5cm) on each side to fit through the tunnel.  You're screwed.  This top secret mission is Tango Uniform.  I hope the Obergruppenfuhrer won't be too upset with you when you report this slight miscalculation.  If you're lucky, you might only get shot.

  8. What color is the tank? That makes the most amount of difference.

    Beyond that, the type of tea will add to velocity as well.

  9. Average tiger tank? I thought these things were built with Teutonic efficiency with teams of Hitler Youth apprentices polishing the hulls until they can see there own pointy helmets reflected in them. Regardless lets not get bogged down in piffling detail. A Tiger Tank Mk1 with standard turbo diesel engine, chrome detailed turret trim, digital clock gear k**b, lemon scented air freshener, pop out ash trays and integral sun visor/vanity mirror would take about 1 hour to traverse the tunnel. However the story hardly ends there because with a fuel consumption of 4 gallons to the mile, once the tank arrives at Dover it will need to fill up with fuel. If as I suspect you were planning a rampage across East Anglia the weight of cash required to purchase fuel to complete the journey at UK prices would reduce fuel consumption to 12 gallons per mile which would require further huge sums of cash and so on until the spiraling weight of fuel required creates a gravitational anomaly propelling the Tank and it's pointy hatted crew into a parallel universe where Germany won the war and learned to play football.

  10. I told Moley that chunnel was a bad idea. She should have been content ravaging gardens. Damned over achiever, whats next, one under the 'pond'?  RScott

  11. Pedestrians, Tiger tanks and invading armies are banned from using the tunnel.

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