
How long does it take for your milk to dry up after you have a baby?

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i had my baby on friday (aug. 8) and my b***s are really sore...and they are bothering me. i was just wandering how much longer until they wont be hurting me any more!




  1. Yup cabbige will do the trick that's what I did!!

  2. I was gonna say you could pump them, but that ain't gonna help them to dry up.  

  3. Maybe try and antihistamine or decongestant.  I nursed all of my babies and I noticed whenever I was sick and needed to take one of these, I had problems with my milk supply drying up.

  4. Well you are asking two different questions...

    After you have your baby, you will keep producing milk until after your baby stops breastfeeding and your body gets used to not having to feed the baby anymore. So as long as your baby is breastfeeding then you will produce milk.

    The soreness is different for everyone. It will probably stop once your baby  starts to feed regularly and the milk starts to flow. It might help if you breastfed and pumped to relieve some of the pressure.

  5. Did you know that the Dr's now have a pill that you can take that will dry up your milk. My Dr gave me that with my 2nd baby - and it was wonderful! I was in so much pain my 1st baby I had to be wrapped up super tight in that area. It was awful. So I would talk to your Dr.

  6. It is different for everyone.  Have you tried putting cold dry cabbage leaves in your bra?  It really does help dry up your milk.

  7. Mine took about 4-5 days after my milk came in for them to actually be soft and not sore anymore. However, I still leaked off and on for probably close to a month. Mainly just if I had a lot of pressure on my  b*****s (baby laying on me, someone leaning across me, etc.). The biggest piece of advice I can give is to wear VERY supportive bras. It will help with the pain, and it helped me to not leak like crazy.

    Congrats on the baby!  

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