
How long does it take from the initial acceleration til you finally take off??

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Is the initial acceleration horrible or is it kind of like accelerating in a car? Im deathly afraid of rollercoasters!!!!!!! How long does it take from when you are on the runway....complately ready to take of til you lift off??




  1. I always look at my watch during takeoff...usually between 30-50 seconds, depending on how full/heavy the plane is.  The angle is a lot more gentle than a roller coaster!  

  2. It depends on a number of factors including weather, elevation, and the aircraft you are flying.  Generally the larger the aircraft the longer the roll before lift-off.  Overall though, it's a matter of seconds between the time you begin to take off and you are airborne.

    Be aware that you will taxi out to the runway and may have to wait a while before you take off.  The captain will often make an announcement when you are close to take off.

    The take-off itself is pretty painless.  In terms of force it's probably somewhere between a roller coaster and a car.  Before you know it though you'll be airborne and flying!

    Good luck and safe travels!


    You will be fine. It depends on the type of aircraft,airport,and weather. Aircraft take off into the wind so if you have a lot of wind it will be shorter because there is more air pasting over the wings providing lift. The bigger the aircraft the longer the time between full power and takeoff, because the engines have to push more weight up. Another thing that can effect you acceleration time can be the airport. Different airports have longer and shorter runways. A pilot may feel safer if he/she waits to gain 10-20 mph more than rotate speed (takeoff) because he has a longer runway to use. For any more information e-mail me.

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