
How long does it take on average to receive a tax refund?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked for a tax refund almost 3 months ago. HM Revenue & Customs sent me a form to fill in (which I did and returned quickly) and 2 letters asking for more information and documents (I also replied promptly with all the requested information even though I had already given it to them). I am now waiting. How long does it take on average to receive a tax refund?




  1. There is no set time, it all depends on their post position. Things are usually done in date order. You could phone your HMRC office and chase it up.

    You can find contact details at

  2. It all depends on how far back the refund is from and how much it is for.  Usually it can take a few months but could take a lot longer.  If it is a small amount then they usually just adjust your tax code and give it back to you that way.

    Just keep chasing them up and keep all correspondence you receive from them

  3. my daughter recently applied for one, they told us the turn around time for mail was 45 days however she received a cheque for last yrs over paid tax within that time, they have now issued a new tax code for her and so she should receive back what she has over paid this year next pay day.

  4. about 90  days

  5. we only had to wait about 3 weeks, we got 5 different tax returns and all in one month so hopefully you wont have to wait much longer

  6. HMRC has a target of replying to correspondence within 28 days. This time starts again each time you reply to them, the initial enquiry is regarded as dealt with if staff have written out for more information.

    I would expect to receive something from them within, say, five weeks of your last communication to them. That is 4 weeks for them to deal with, and then the reply/repayment is sent by second class post. It could take longer if your repayment is selected for a security check. That happens to 1 in 10.

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