
How long does it take the average person to finish a toilet paper roll?

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I want to cut down on the amount of toilet paper I use, but to set a goal I need to know the typical amount of time it takes a person to finish a roll

And would that average time (per person) be any different if a family was sharing the roll?




  1. I can usually get a whole roll down the toilet in 3 or 4 flushes depending if its 1 ply or quilted.

  2. Yes, it differs whether you use it yourself or share, also, HOW YOU USE it is important.  People don't realize this, but nearly everyone has horrible hygeine/habits when it comes to doing this deed (which people normally never talk about, this may be one reason why).

    You (and the rest of the answerers who see this probably) most likely go through toilet paper twice as fast or more than I do, and no matter what brand you use... (one roll lasts me and my girlfriend two weeks or more).  I'll explain...

    And here's a huge tip for you then (you all should be doing this anyway - and I can't believe I'm answering this but this is good for you)...

    Ever think to compliment using toilet paper with butt wipes?? (I only recommend Cottonelle - see link below - NOTE- I'm not talking about baby wipes, I'm talking about flushable toilet wipes for the modern civilized family).

    The reason(s)...

    A) you'll never be wasteful w/ toilet paper again

    B) it's much faster and easier than ever before

    C) you'll always know you're clean and fresh and trust me, you can feel the difference.

    Seriously, very little toilet paper followed by one wipe (very rarely  - 2 is needed) get's it ALL every time and you feel like you just washed your butt in the shower, he, he.

    Point is, you want to be clean, smell good (everywhere), never have itchy butt again AND use way less paper, than you should evolve and start buying wipes to go with your paper.

    Do this for a while, you'll be thanking me and you'll do it for life, no question.


    note to oikos (below)

    I saw your comment, it was probably meant for me.  I have been using this product for about 12 years now (lived several places in that time, take them everywhere I go)... and that's probably how long it's been since I last flooded the toilet, if that tells you anything.  

    Trust me, you'll ultimately use less and as long as you don't use more than one or two, it should never be a concern (and only Cottonelle, the others aren't even close to as good, once you get the dispenser box, buy the huge economy pack in the zip lock bag- more economical and less packaging waste.

    [Edit 2]

    FYI - I looked on the packaging... these wipes DO "breakdown like regular toilet paper after flushing", it says it right on the packaging.

    [Edit 3]

    'dlwsr300'... wadding paper vs. folding...

    I wanted to just comment on that, wadders are people who have never learned how to do this properly and likely make up a third of the population.  You need to be advised here and now (it's never too late), this is not how it is done and you are very wasteful if you do this.

    'staickema' said that diet and bowels make a difference, this is also true and is a good point, as you could wind up using a whole roll to yourself before you know it depending on the type of problem you have (again though, the wipes will be your savior, most especially on those bad days) and you may want to check with your physician if you are not having consitent BMs over a period of time, hopefully it's nothing but diet, etc. however, this could also be a symptom for any number of disorders.

  3. I think that is highly dependant on if this "average" person is a man or a woman!

  4. 300 had a good point.   I'd say save the thick stuff for folders while the see through junk for the wadders.    I cut down to a roll a month at most after leaving home and having to buy my own.   That's not with constipation either.

  5. The Japanese made American Civilian POWs use one sheet a day, for each person.Man,Woman,or Child.

  6. This is kind of a difficult question.  Wadders tend to use more than folders.  How big is the family you're considering?  A conservation tip for toilet paper is to buy Charmin Ultra.  It is thicker and more absorbent than other brands so you use less.  Another is to count the square you're using.  Charmin Ultra works with about 1-2 squares per wipe.

  7. There is no such thing as an "average" person or a standard roll of TP. Generally, women pull off 6-10 sheets per wipe and wad it up. Men pull off two sheets at a time and fold. Rolls vary from 200-odd sheets to 1000 sheets.

    As far as wet wipes go, while they may be labelled as "flushable" they are probably not biodegradable and can clog up septic systems or even sewer lines.

  8. my husband i use about a roll a week I would guess...and we just get the normal size ones too..not double thick or w/e.  but, thats only for being home a few hours a day when your not sleeping...consider what you use outside of your home too.

  9. One roll a week. Regular roll.  Of course I use it to blow my nose also.

  10. If I could just interject a thought here. If we have come to the point where we need someone to tell us how much toilet paper to use, then we are hopeless.

  11. It could depend on the condition of one's bowels. Oh, and diet can make a difference.

  12. hold your p**s and it will take a month.jk use water hose instead

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