
How long does it take these aircraft to cruise down the runway before they takeoff?

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Boeing 737






  1. The other  will determine the roll out length is what the flaps are set to.  The more flap that is extended the more surface area giving the A/C more lift at a lower speed.  LGA SNA MDW BUR DCA are all examples of airports with short runways that the flaps are set at a greater percentage than say LAX or LAS where the runways are longer so roll out is not an issue.

  2. Depends on weight, the location of the center of gravity, atmospheric conditions (temperature, barometric pressure, humidity), flap setting, runway condition (wet, dry, asphalt, gravel, dirt), airfoil contamination (ice, frost), engine power setting....the list goes on.  The point is, you can't just nail down one specific distance for each aircraft.  It can be as little as 3,000 feet or as much as 10,000 feet - it all depends on the previously mentioned factors.

  3. 35 seconds

  4. However long it takes to meet the speed for takeoff.  The minimum speed is the calculation of weight and other factors like wind.

  5. It's not a matter of how far down the runway, its a matter of how fast they have to go to get airborne.  Every aircraft has a minimum airspeed that must be exceeded or the plane falls from the sky like a brick. Any speed less than this "stall speed" and the plane does not take off.   Here's a great chart from "Aerospaceweb" showing normal weights and takeoff speeds:

    Aircraft Takeoff Weight Takeoff Speed

    Boeing 737 100,000 lb        150 mph

    Boeing 757 240,000 lb 160 mph

    Airbus A320 155,000 lb 170 mph

    Airbus A340 571,000 lb 180 mph

    Boeing 747 800,000 lb 180 mph

    Concorde 400,000 lb 225 mph

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