
How long does it take till a parakeet talks

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i have a parakeet ( baby ) and i cant wait till he talks




  1. Its different for every bird. It takes practice and a lot of patience, but keep in mind some parrots never learn to talk no matter what species they are. Even some of the African Grey's, which are renowned for their ability to imitate speech, never do.

  2. My parakeets never talked, but I have heard of ones that do. I had mine for a little over a year and got them as babies from a petstore. You have a better chance if you only have one bird rather than keeping them in pairs, because they will bond to the other bird and not give you the time of day! To teach them words, use the same words over and over, and use words with a hard constonant, especially c and k sounds like "kiss" and "kitty". For some reasons budgies have an easier time with those clucking sounds. Good luck!  

  3. Just because birds can learn human language does not mean they will choose to use it.  All birds can learn new language, a lot of birds have clear and understandable speech, but all birds are smart enough to choose when they speak human and when they don't.  

  4. hey, um actually i have only known of a few parakeets to talk before. and the women that had them talking had them in seperate rooms and had to give each of them alot and i mean ALOT of attention to even get them to talk, even then it was a mumble so, and keep in mind some birds never want to talk and wont.

    good luck  

  5. It might learn to talk but the most parakeets I've encountered don't.

    Here's some advice to teach your parakeet to talk:

  6. they talk when they hear a word often enough that they can remember it and remember to repeat it. mine took a month when i first go him, and my other bird hasn't uttered a word yet, and hes three years old.  they can talk up quite a storm though.  did you know that budgies are one of the top talking parrots? their voices are just so tiny that you can miss what their saying easily, but you can catch most words. they usually talk when singing so listen carefully the next time your bird starts to twitter and tweet, because their might be a few words thrown into their rolling speech.

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