
How long does it take to achieve financial freedom in Nu Skin business?

by  |  earlier

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Upline keep saying you will achieve financial freedom, but when we ask how long does it take and how many already done it.

The answer we always get is:

- work hard you will get there,

- don't keep asking this kind of unnecessary question,

We don't see any leaders and upline have financial freedom. They always spend long hour in the evening training or motivation sessions, and go around recruiting new member rather than selling the product, because the commission is higher when they get new sign up and the new downline need to buy a lot thing when they just join.

How long does it take for new distributor get steady monthly commission? How many new recruit they need to get in every month? Selling products doesn't generate a lot of commission, right? Why everything charge? e.g. getting people to try out the galvanic spa also need to pay $25, since upline earn few thousand, why they still stingy about $25?

Can "REAL" successful Spore distributor come forward and answer?




  1. Are you looking for a J.O.B.(Just Over Broke)?

    If so, don't waste your time reading any more.

    Or a real opportunity to have your financial freedom?

    Without commuting, spending more time with family.

    Are you willing to work hard in the beginning?,

    like all businesses require you to do?

    Also, all businesses Require some capital.

    Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

    After spending a lot of money buying information,

    searching for that ideal product to promote,

    learning how to send traffic to that product offer,

    after searching for 12 years, I found one that I like very much,

    go to to see why.

    Remember,  to make money online,  you just need:

    1. Desireable & Profitable Product for Hungry Crowd

    2. Affordable ways to send massive traffic to your product

    And, You're in business.

    PS: it's going to take you at least 1 to 2 yrs to make maybe

            1,000 to 2,000 a month, if that, because people are going

             to quit on you. Because they are NOT making any

             money. It is an uphill battle. You should use direct sales

             opportunity that  pays BIG commissions to acheive

             your goals. After trying a lot of things in last 12 yrs.,

             I found the opportunity that I like very much.

             Go to and

             Check it out.

  2. Achieving great results in any MLM/Network Marketing company requires an honest study of the industry.  This study must be done out side of a specific company.

    The hype tactics traditionally taught by upline does not produce the best results.

    Questioning is necessary and must be followed up by good research.

    The biggest reason that you see your upline focusing on recruiting others is because that is where the money is at for them. To determine how much work you will need to produce in order to get the desired income, you have to study the compensation plan.

    I personally do not recommend that you lead with the opportunity. This type of tactic produces poor results.

    Best Regards!

  3. It sounds to me like you are with the wrong company.  They are using archaic business tactics that no longer work in today's world.

    Just the fact that you have so many questions about how they charge for everything, etc., tells me that you do not "see" yourself financially free with this company.  In order to succeed, you have to have a strong plan in place, a vision of what you really want and the work ethic to get you there.

    It depends on what financial freedom means to you.  It might mean an extra $1,000/month or like me, it might mean an extra $50,000/month.

    I would start looking for something different, something new that offers something that you can see yourself really doing well.

    When I sign a new representative, I help them every step of the way until they are confident enough to go out there and do it on their own and ALWAYS answer any questions they might have.

    Keep in mind that network marketing is not for everyone and many people doing it have never run a business before.

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