Our boat was in for it's first service this week at the marina.They called and said,"the boat wasnt properly winterized,but we ran it and it is fine and ready for you to pick up" We noticed upon arrival that the oil hadn't been changed in the boat,it was dark.Then, we couldn't find our boat plug that was on the boat.After showing the oil's color to our salesman,he agreed that it was too dark to be new.Then he said, I will watch you put it in the water to make sure all is ok.We get the boat in the water.Within seconds,i heard engine noise and had the guy look under the engine compartment.There was oil and water blowing everywhere.We shut off immediately,then left it for them to look at the following day.I was called the next day and told the engine was "locked up" and ruined and that it will cost $12,000 for a new engine.Shouldn't they have noticed that immediatly upon starting it? Couldnt they tell something was wrong?The engine was still running when i cut it off, not frozen.