
How long does it take to apply k1 visa...?

by Guest31899  |  earlier

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how long i have to wait for interview..this is my 2nd time of this question....i need more info....thanks alot..& we filed all apication for usa embbassyin in june..but still we dont have case #...iam so worried...b.c i love my fiance sososo much..i cant wait ...& i want to know if is it posiable...i also i ma iranian girl????




  1. The k-1 visa process is one where it is more complicated than what you would think. In the past there has been a lot of abuse on the k-1 visa, so the immigration people are making it harder and stricter before they issue this visa. For your sake and your fiancee I hope both of you are sincere about this. When you go for your interview you must have a lot of documents and they all must be correct, if they are not correct they will tell you to come back when everything is in order. Normally from when you file the application it takes anywhere from a year to two(2) years before you go for your interview. As far as being possible, yes it is possible, and I wish both of you the best.

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