
How long does it take to be housed?

by  |  earlier

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hi guys i live in a 1 person flat the bedroom is so small, i am pregnant and obviously would need a bigger place just woundering if anyone has been in simular siuation and know how long it will take for council to move us to bigger place.




  1. get yourself an eastern European passport and you will get one in 5 Min's

  2. Despite what you may think, most councils nowadays have relatively few properties. Correction, you do not NEED a bigger place, you WANT a bigger place. There is a difference!

    You will not even be considered until at least a year after the baby is born.

  3. thing The other you didn't´t know was about birth control that the most important thing you need to know. You are irresponsible and have face that would stand clogging expecting others to pay for your accommodation. Have the baby adopted save yourself the trouble applying for council house and the rest of us paying out for the next twenty years.

    It people like you taking an giving nothing that are making the UK the hand out capital of the world.

  4. First of all Congrats on the baby!! I hope someone is supporting you emotionally and physically. Some people don't understand how good it feels to give( I won't mention any names but look above my answer and you know what I mean) Remember this saying, The Squeaky Hinge gets the oil ! Be a pest and ask your council for something else ask friends family post an add at the grocery store bulletin board, watch out  for wolves dressed in sheep's clothing just be careful, I hope you can pray with a sincere heart and follow your prayer through.

  5. so you're in a one person flat and you may think it obvious you need more space but, unfortunately, for housing and housing benefit purposes a baby is NOT counted as a person before his / her first birthday. By all means ask them, but don't hold your breath - you may be more productive if you spend your time de-cluttering to make room for the new arrival. Good luck and best wishes, H x

  6. I wouldn't bank on being re-housed before your baby is born, that's for sure. The way the housing situation is at the moment, people cannot afford to buy homes, so more and more are relying on council, and authority housing, and NO the present immigration issue hasn't helped matters either.

    My daughter, and her husband were housed from a 1 bed bungalow only after she had her 2nd baby, and the first was 2 years old, and only then because she had a child of a different s*x to the first. (Her hubby and her slept on a sofa bed in the lounge.) The way they see it these days, is that you are lucky to have a roof over your head, and the people with the most points are homeless, have drug, or alcohol problems, or disabilities, or social issues. If you don't fall into any of these categories, then you are in for a long old wait I'm afraid. Good luck, and congratulations on the pregnancy. I only wish I had better news for you!!!

    What a hateful bile filled piece of $hit Cicero is??

    I don't see anywhere in your question whereby you are claiming benefits, or costing this hateful person money? Council  house rent is paid for by the tennant, not by YOU!!!!YOU  ARROGANT A$$HOLE

    Why are people so hateful? in this day and age, it's difficult for anyone to find decent rented accommodation, so does that mean we are all supposed to stop breeding, due to lack of accommodation??? Maybe if we sent all the Cicero's back to where they come from, there would be room for us all!!!

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