
How long does it take to become a black belt in Krav Manga or Brazillian Ju Jitsu?

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At the rate of one session per week.




  1. Krav maga does not use a belt system, they use rank badges.

    It takes about 10 years to get on in Brazilian jiujitsu.

  2. dont know about Krav

    if you said 2 times a week that may have made a small difference...but generally frank has it right....about 10 years...

    There are cases(BJ Penn) where if your double jointed, have a lot of time on your hands, and devote your life to it and have uncanny natural ability that you can get one faster(he earned his in a record 3 yrs)

    overall though your looking at least 10 years, maybe slightly shorter, slightly longer depending on who you are.

  3. krav doesnt have belts

    for bjj ten years is how long it takes if you are good and are going 4-5 times a week; at once a week I would have to say its never going to happen

  4. Um, at once a week unless it's a private lesson it's gonna take you forever and a day. If you're talking 1 private session with an awesome instructor and maybe one open mat session per week, then maybe something like 8-10 years. Depending on your athletic ability. But going once a week to a regular class, bottom line it ain't gonna happen. There's no way that you'll ever fully develop your game, plus you ain't gonna have any cardio from once a week. My advice, either go and make every attempt to be there 3-4 x week, or don't waste your money.

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