
How long does it take to become a resident in Costa Rica?

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I am an American citizen and my fiance is Costarican. We are getting married next year and would like to remain in Costa Rica. After our marriage how long would it take me to become a resident? What are all the requierments? I would also appreciate any links. Thank You. Pura Vida!




  1. Reside in Costa Rica for about five years with a good employment record and you can already apply for resident status.

  2. Legal residents and persons married to a Costa Rican can obtain Costa Rican citizenship and acquire the same rights and obligations of a Costa Rican. Naturalization is the only way you can get a Costa Rican passport.

    You can obtain naturalization by complying with the following requirements: You need to be married for a minimum of 2 years. The Costa Rican spouse can be either through birth or by naturalization. You also need to have resided in the country for a minimum period of two years, if you have left the country, you should complete that time limit by remaining the number of days required to reach the two year minimum days. You will be still be able to acquire naturalization if you have been divorced, but must have met the time required for marriage and of residence in the country. You also need a valid passport and your residence bond in effect.

    becoming a resident:

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