
How long does it take to become b12 deficient if youve jsut became a vegan?

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I do have a supplemnt but i i forgot to take it the past 2 weeks. am i b12 deficient now




  1. If you include Spirulina and/or Chlorella to you diet, you will have a B12 that is totally absorbed

    they are both whole foods with of course complete protein

    Here is a site to confirm these facts;

  2. Healthy Eating:

    5 A Day Fruit and Vegetables  

    Eating the recommended 5 a day servings of fruit and vegetables is the most important element of any healthy eating plan

    The Health Benefits

    For the last eight years the Dept. of Health has been trying to drive home the "5-A-Day" message. Research proves that eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day has very real health benefits. It can help to prevent heart diseases and some cancers. Evidence shows however, that many of us are not listening to this healthy eating advice. Recent research shows that only 1 in 7 of us achieve the 5 a day quota.

    Dept. of Health to issue 5-A-Day Logo

    To further drive home the healthy eating message, the Dept. of Health is introducing a new 5-A-Day logo initiative in Spring 2003. The Dept. of Health's logo will clearly indicate the fruits and vegetables that contribute towards the 5 portions it recommends you to eat each day. The logo will appear on fresh, frozen, tinned or dried fruit and vegetables and will indicate how many portions the food will count as. The criteria to use the logo is strict and aims to encourage you to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

    In an effort to encourage healthy eating more research is being done by the Dept. of Health to help clear up confusion about what counts towards 5 a day and what doesn't - several processed foods with added salt, sugar and fat, despite containing fruit or vegetables will not at present qualify for the logo.

    What stops you from getting 5 a day - Time, Money, Dislike All Fruit and Vegetables?  

    Lack of time for healthy shopping

    Look out for canned, frozen and juiced fruit and vegetables. They are just as nutritious. Buying your fruit and vegetables in this way also means you have plenty to hand when you need it without having to spend time stocking up with fresh produce every few days. Healthy eating doesn't mean you can't make use of convenience foods.

    5 a day is too expensive

    Don't be fooled, you could find healthy eating better for your budget. Fruit and vegetables (excluding exotic / imported ones) are surprisingly cheap. An average banana costs 20p - less than most bars of chocolate / crisps from the vending machine - and provides more in the way of nourishment for less calories.  

    Choose fresh fruit and vegetables in season, not only are they cheaper they will also be most flavoursome and at their best.  

    Markets also tend to be cheaper than supermarkets, particularly if you catch them when they packing up for the day.  

    Alternatively opt for supermarket branded tinned or frozen fruit and vegetables.  

    Dislike All Fruit and Vegetables

    With such variety of tastes, it's hard to believe anyone can dislike them all. Also remember that tastes change as you age and therefore things you detested in your youth (like brussel sprouts...) may be a lot more palatable now! Try a different fruit / vegetable each week until you find some you enjoy.  

    Working Your Way to Five A Day

    Make it a mission to start working to your five a day quota. Remember you don't have to include all five portions overnight - your body probably won't thank you for it! (A sudden change can cause uncomfortable bloating and gas). Also don't rush out and buy a heap of fresh fruit and vegetables - to watch it rot in the fridge / fruit bowl over the coming week! Build up gradually, make it a habit and remember each extra serving is a step in the right direction. Try these healthy eating tips for including more fruit and vegetables:

    Healthy Breakfast

    Have a glass of 100% pure, unsweetened fruit juice

    Slice some fresh fruit over your breakfast cereal or toss in a handful of dried apricots / raisins

    Try a banana sandwich made with wholemeal / granary bread for extra fibre too

    Make a delicious fruit smoothie from fresh fruit. Or add some skimmed milk / low fat yoghurt for a more creamy consistency

    Healthy Snacks

    Look out individual portions of carrot batons, dried apricots, raisins and grapes at the supermarket - grab these instead of chocolate / crisps

    Make some crudites - carrots batons, celery sticks, baby sweetcorn, asparagus tips - to enjoy with a low calorie dip

    Keep a piece of fresh fruit on hand - and ensure you eat it before you reach for high sugar / calorie snacks

    Healthy Lunch

    Add tomatoes, cucumber, mixed salad leaves to your sandwiches

    Toss a selection of fruit / vegetables and salad leaves together for a delicious alternative - drizzle with a low calorie dressing and enjoy with a crusty wholemeal roll

    Make your own vegetable soup for colder weather

    Healthy Evening Meal

    Try to include at least one vegetable with your evening meal

    Add sliced vegetables to stir fries and disguise grated carrot in homemade dishes  

    Make a fresh fruit salad for dessert

    Healthy Eating Out

    Order a pure, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice

    Request a side salad or vegetables instead of chips

    Order a fresh fruit salad for dessert

    What is a Portion of Fruit and Veg?

    1 apple, banana, pear, orange or other similar sized fruit

    2 plums, satsumas, kiwi fruit or other similar sized fruit

    1⁄2 a grapefruit or avocado

    1 large slice of melon or fresh pineapple

    3 heaped tablespoons of vegetables, beans or pulses

    3 heaped tablespoons of fruit salad or stewed fruit

    1 heaped tablespoon of raisins or sultanas

    3 dried apricots

    1 cupful of grapes, cherries or berries

    1 dessert bowl of salad

    1 small glass (150ml) of pure fruit juice

    Healthy Eating with Weight Loss Resources

    Your Weight Loss Resources Food Diary keeps a tally of your fruit and vegetable servings each day. Our calculation is based on the principle that 80g fruit or vegetables = one serving. Whilst, for simplicity, this is an approximation, it proves to be a good indication of your fruit and vegetable intake, and will help get to 5 a'll learn a lot about healthy eating,

    Hope This Helps?

  3. You are not deficient.  I know people who have been vegan for 20 yrs. and never taken a b12 supplement.

  4. Drink 16 ounces of soy milk everyday and you won't have a problem.

  5. The first answerer is right.

    Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver. You don't need to top up your B12 every day, as your body takes what it needs out of storage.

    Vegans easily get enough B12- fortified dairy free milks, fortified breakfast cereal, or a supplement. It's really not an issue for well informed vegans.

    B12 deficiency is rare. Chances are, your B12 levels are fine.

  6. A VERY LONG TIME,(YEARS) just start taking it again.

    For convenience I use a Liquid B-12 w/folic acid

    I keep 1 in my purse & 1 on the kitchen table..helps me to remembe to take it regularly.r

  7. A long time. But if you drink soymilk, soy cheese, or use nutritional yeast they all contain enough B12 to stay good, they actually have it added knowing vegans use it alot.

    Plus not scrubbing like crazy all your vegetables, will help maintain the natural B12 on it.

    B12 comes from dirt. Thus why meat has it, because animals eat unwashed veggies containing it. And before this society went ultra germ free, things weren't scrubbed endlessly, so it was never a problem.

    There's always Vitamin B complex too....

  8. Maybe you never will be B12 deficient.

    Bacteria in the intestines make B12. The body also stores B12. Some people are more likely to have B12 deficiency than others, especially if they lack a particular glycoprotein called Instrinsic Factor.

    Many vegans will never need a B12 supplement, but it's probably a good idea just in case.

  9. If you are a vegan there's a good chance you are deficient in a lot more than Vitamin B12.

  10. Probably a few years.

    B12 is stored in the body and re-used, so it's a long time before your body would become depleted.

    2 weeks without supplementation won't harm you.  You only need one 1000mcg tablet a week to keep your B12 up.

  11. No, not very likely.  Most people who come to veganism after any time at all as a meat-eater have stores that can last several years.  However, B12 deficiency is nothing to play around with, so make sure you're at least getting fortified foods like soy milk or nutritional yeast.  Lots of vegans just take a supplement like once a week, so no worries.

  12. Your body stores b12, so probably not. However, you probably had b12 and didnt know it becaus it is in most breakfast cereals, soy milk, and many other fortified foods.

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