
How long does it take to bike 5 miles? steady speed not fast

by  |  earlier

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Because I'm in a cash struggle, so i'm asking about this because I got a job that is almost 5 miles away from me, and i don't have a car, so i'm thinking of getting a bike, so how long will it take me, and how many hours prior to work should i leave the house? on bike of course




  1. I'll go with that  - about half an hour!

    I commute 5 miles to work by bike, I take less though!

    There are a couple of chaps who also ride road bikes along the same route and my instinct tells me to catch them up, or pull away if they are behind. (It's a silly testosterone thing!! lol.)

    I ride to work in all weathers and have a change of clothes at work (sometimes spare socks and underpants are carried in a rucksack when it rains!).

    It's not a problem!

    You will get used to it, trust me!


  2. Depends on your physical shape.  45 min for out of shape and 20 nin or less for decent shape.

  3. At a very steady pace no more than half an hour. An average cyclist can maintain a speed of around 12 mph without any real exertion.

  4. I ride 6 miles in half an hour!

  5. Not long maybe 20 minutes.  

  6. A lot depends on the terrain, the bike and of course, the biker.   Presuming level ground, not in traffic and good weather, I would allow at least 30 min. for a rookie biker....more like an hour to be safe and not have to rush things.

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