
How long does it take to boat from san franciso to marina del rey?

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How long does it take to boat from san franciso to marina del rey?




  1. 12 years min.

  2. 1 day

  3. It is nearly 400 nautical miles. If you go offshore and sail day and night you can expect to take 2 - 4 days. If you take to harbors or anchorages at night, you can expect 3-5 days. If you can afford the fuel and the seas and weather are co-operative, a big power boat might take 36-40 hrs. All estimates are at the whim of the sea and the weather and the performance of your boat. A large cargo ship or cruise ship can do it in 1 day.

  4. i'd say around maybe 7-8 hours, depending on the boat

  5. I would think about between 15 and 20 hrs, Its a 6 hr ride by car going 70 mph

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