
How long does it take to break in soccer cleats?

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I bought the t90 and i run 2 miles in them everyday for the past 2 days. How long till they break in. Im getting blisters and my foot hurts like crazy




  1. Ok. I played soccer for 11 years. And it all depends on the cleat. Adidas always broke in after about a week of 5 or 6 practices.

    Then I got Puma... They NEVER broke it. I had them for a whole season and they always hurt my feet ALWAYS.

    So practice in them for about 2 more weeks and see what happens. If they aren't broken in by then- heck, even after a week of running- they might not.

  2. Some of my cleats I have gotten used to automatically, you probably just need to wear the cleats down a bit and develop some tougher skin where you're getting blisters.

  3. I personally have found that Adidas hurt the least when you're breaking them in, and I recently bought a new pair of Adidas Predators and those broke in after about 3 1 1/2 hour practices. It can also depend on the quality of your cleat, cheaper cleats can hurt more as they aren't made as well as more expensive cleats.  Also if you're running on concrete or a track in soccer cleats it hurts more than on grass (but grass is a little harder to run on), that's just something I have noticed. :)

  4. well if you keep getting blisters than slow down your pace but stay at the mileage

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