
How long does it take to buy a house in the UK from the time an offer is accepted?

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And is there any way to speed it up?




  1. they say between 6 and 8 weeks...depending on how Lazy the Solicitors are.

  2. A couple of weeks, I can't remember excatly how long mine took last year.

  3. The length of time depends on what financial arrangements have to be finalized, and how quick mortgage lenders are in processing the paperwork.

    If you are paying cash for the property and no loans are involved, then it can be very quick and simply a matter of hours.  

  4. There is far more to this than most have stated, time scales can be from 3 weeks to 'months'. Reasons for hold ups include;


    Survey issues

    Mortgage delays

    Slow solicitors

    Unmotivated sellers/buyers

    Legal problems

    If all is smooth and dandy then the average overall is 12 weeks. To speed it up, dont involve a chain, pay with cash, get a good solicitor on the job, get the agent motivated (if applicable) and hound all parties as often as possible.

  5. Because you have the full purchase price in a shoe box under the bed it does not mean offer accepted today move in next week!

    If there is a chain it could take months and months and months. Often you will make an offer on an owner occupied property and they have not even started looking for their new home!

    But, assuming there was a property already vacated by its owners you are still looking at probably 6 weeks absolute minimum as the Solicitors have to carry out 'Searches' etc.  When we bought our present house there was a huge holdup as the sellers solicitors had lost ("mislaid") the Deeds!

  6. It depends on the individual circumstances, weather you are in a chain etc. They do say moving can be one of the most stressful things you can do. It can be quite painfull to waite but once your moved you'll soon forget it. All you can do is talk to everyone involved regularly to see what stage they are at.

  7. From putting in the offer to moving in it took 12 weeks

  8. Between 6 - 8 weeks. I know of some people who's sales have gone through quicker but its not common for that to happen. It could take longer though, especially if the solicitors involved have booked holidays. (How very dare they!)

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