
How long does it take to charge a deep cell battery ?

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How long does it take to charge a deep cell battery ?




  1. The time is dependent on the charger output rate and the amp hour rating of the battery, multiply the two and it'll give you the answer for a completely dead cell.

  2. Couple hours, three if she is really dead.

    If it has openings(what's the word)  make sure the cells are full.

    Disconnect the positive cable and you will get a faster, cleaner charge.

  3. Batteries like that are like storage tanks. if it needs to be completely refilled then overnight. if it is just a little off then a couple of hours.

  4. It all depends on the size of the battery.  You should use an 'automatic' trickle charger, set it to the lowest amp setting (lower the amps, the less the battery heats up) and let it do it's thing.  Automatic chargers test the capacity of the battery and shut off when its fully charged.

    either way you're looking at a couple to a few hours.

  5. I absolutely hate trickle chargers...they don't work unless you have plenty of time to wait. I have four of these industrial Snap-On battery chargers for the 275 boats I service every spring, and within an hour those batteries are ready to go. I personally think that giving them a good jolt of power to "wake them up" works better than a trickle charger. If the battery "heats up" or whatnot, then you have a bad cell or a bad connection, or the voltage regulator in the battery charger is junk. Also, with those battery chargers I can jump-start anything within five seconds of hooking it up to whatever I need to get running. You can get them from Snap-On, but NAPA makes a good, heavy duty charger as well. Good Luck!

  6. most batteries if totally flat will take around 5 hours,do check the fluid levels before charging,just slightly above the plates.

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