
How long does it take to clean up an oil spill?

by  |  earlier

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answers must be in articles, because i need proof!

please dont put wiki.

and try not to put blogs unless they have an internet source.




  1. A lot longer than it takes to wring the neck of the blithering idiot that spilled it!

  2. How big?   I cleaned one up this morning with an absorbent material and a vacuum.   It took maybe 30 minutes.   The Valdeze spill still isn't really cleaned up completely and won't be for generations.

  3. the valdez spill is clean in the areas where we allowed nature to clean up.  

    The econuts insisted that in one are they would clean it up spotless.  That area was cleaned so good that nothing has grown back.  In the areas where the majority of the oil was recovered and recycled and the rest of the oil was left to mother nature to finish up, she has done a great job.

    Pour some gasoline on your lawn (OK not really, but look at where you accidently over filled a lawnmower before).  What happen, at large doses the grass dies, low doses the grass grows faster.  Oil spills are broken down by bacteria.  These bacteria make fertilizer for vegatation.  they become the first in a line of food chain.

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