
How long does it take to complete pearl

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How long does it take to complete pearl




  1. I can't really say,seeing as how I don't want to finish it really fast,I like to take my time and be slow =D I have like 125:00 total on my game lol.And I still have 190ish pokemon to get xS

  2. not very long like 2-3weeks is all i finished both games at the time as i said=D

  3. it depends how long you play it! how often you play it! and weather you have the guide or not!

    i finished diamond in about 4 days as i was on it all the time and i had the guide!

  4. well it really depends how good you are:|

    it took me about 13 hours  <:)

    yeahh i suckkkk :D

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