
How long does it take to drive from Brescia t Campobasso in Italy?

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How long does it take to drive from Brescia t Campobasso in Italy?




  1. Wait a minute!!!!! I have lived in Italy... takes more than 8h!! 724 Km and in Italy highway are't so good as here..... my opinion is to fly from brescia to the nearest airport in the south of Italy...

  2. about 8 hours

  3. I'm travelling a lot in the Italian motorways and situations is very different depending on the period of the year and on the days of the week. An average speed of abt 90 kms x hour (56 miles/h) is rather realistic but not in the summer period and in the week-end days of fall-spring (when you never know how long it will take !!). In winter (excluded the Xmas period and snowy days) situation could allow you to drive even speeder (In Italy speed limit on the highways is 130 kms/h =abt. 81 miles/h) but if you consider a few stop for refuelling and some good coffees I agree that 8 hours is on the whole correct (unless you loose yr way.....!!).  :D

    PS - Pls don't consider the solution of the plane. Airports are rather far both from Brescia and Campobasso and if you consider the time you have to waste to go to the airport and then after the check-in yr journey would last much more than completely by car (and also the cost of the trip will be higher). In Italy is not same as on the States and here we have not so easy connections to fly from one city to another (unless you need to fly a Rome-Milan).

  4. I'm a italian girl I live in take about 8|9 hours more or less.............bye bye.....

  5. Campobasso is so little....what do you wanna do there?

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