
How long does it take to drive from Seattle to Butte, MT?

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I don't need the time given by Google Maps (8 hours 33 mins) or the time given by Microsoft Streets and Trips (8 hours 6 mins) or the times given by any of the online services or even GPS units.

They only estimate and are usually way off. What I would like is for someone who has recently driven this strip of I-90 to give me an idea of how long that trip takes. I'd be much obliged.




  1. As you note, according to Google maps, the distance is about 600 miles and requires about 9 hours of driving time. The last time I made the trip I needed a day and a half of driving with some rest and gasoline stops. Leaving Seattle early afternoon I stopped overnight in Spokane en route, and I arrived in Butte in mid afternoon of the next day. The weather was good and the traffic was light, but there was (as there almost always is in summer) road construction near Spokane and again in several places in MT, and that  added at least 1 1/2 hours to the drive. If you are driving in winter, allow even more time as snow is a strong possibility in various places.

  2. Well, I haven't driven this personally. But my friends have and they told me that it took them most of the day to get there. Roughly 10 to 11 hours. This is because most internet sites don't take into account that the speed limit is slightly lower in WA than it is in MT. Also, there are cities that you pass through, traffic and a bunch of other stuff. My advice, plan that the trip will take 10.5 hours as a minimum because you never know where more time will be needed on the trip.

    Hope you have a good trip!

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