
How long does it take to drive to hawaii from california?

by  |  earlier

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if my car gets roughly 16 miles per gallon how many gallons will it take to drive there? i am planning a family trip and i want to know the cost of gas.




  1. Are you driving an amphibious vehicle?  I hope so.

  2. It's approximately 2500 miles between LA and Hawaii, so that's a good place to start. To drive, you'll need a car that: a.) rides on the bottom of the Pacific, or b.) floats. The former may be tough to come by, especially considering the pressure a few miles under the ocean surface. The latter will work well as long as the waves stay under 1 foot. Of course, the Pacific has waves that routinely get as high as 10 feet, so you're pretty well screwed using conventional designs.

    If you can get through all of this and somehow get an amazing water-car that won't sink, you'll need about 157 gallons of gas to get there. Problem is that there aren't gas stations lined up between LA and Hawaii, so you'll have to carry all of your fuel with you.

    Assuming six pounds per gallon, your vehicle will need a total fuel weight capacity of 942 pounds, plus passengers (average of 180 pounds per person), luggage (50 pounds per person), food (200 pounds per person), and water (ten gallons per person at 6 pounds per gallon). This should allow you estimate your total weight, which will then estimate the size of your car-boat-submarine and build the correct draft lines ( for tips).

    Or, you could just fly...

  3. lol you cant drive a flight is 6 hrs

  4. you cant drive to hawaii...

    its an island...

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