
How long does it take to fly from uk (gatwick) to australia (sydney)?

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i really wanna know coz i wanna go to live there in a few years and i wanna go on holiday there too! correct answers will be much appreciated, cheers




  1. i think its 22-23 hours

  2. A quick look through Qantas and flying from Heathrow leaving on a Saturday and returning on a Wednesday is the cheaper option costing $600pound. The quickest flight listed is 21hrs 35 the longest 23hrs 5mins for the TO journey and 22hrs 30mins is the shortest and 27hrs the longest on the return journey. These times are due to stop over's.

  3. depending on the number of stopovers taken and the airline you fly with, it can take anywhere from 23-28hrs, although I did hear of someone taking 36hrs!! They got stuck in one country due to weather.

  4. long time

  5. Well, given that you can't fly from Gatwick Airport to Australia I'd say a very long time!  

    Try Heathrow, and you're currently looking at between 21 and 26 hours depending on the airline.

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