
How long does it take to get a RSS feed up to your Yahoo! 360? I copied and pasted and its not there :(?

by Guest31638  |  earlier

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its not on my page. does it just take a long time or does it go immediately?




  1. A long time. It used to take only a day or so, then it took a couple of weeks, now it's taking over a month.

    For many people, the feeds module stopped working in late November 2007. I decided around that time to take off all 3 feed URLs and add them back to see if it would re-set. Only one has appeared and that happened just yesterday. Perhaps it's fixed - I doubt it.

    NOTE that the feeds module has always been buggy though. Just put the link in there and hope it shows up one day. Your other option is to embed a RSS widget to your blog area. Click on my avatar and go to my 360 space to see my blogroll for sites where you might find one to EMBED in a blog entry  (which would require that you select the View HTML Source on the entry's toolbar before pasting the code and that you add text to the entry). Then highlight and tag the entry for easy access.

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