
How long does it take to get a disease like cancer or heart disease from second hand smoke?

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How long does it take to get a disease like cancer or heart disease from second hand smoke?




  1. Several years, and it is not always a hundred percent link, it is an increased risk.

  2. There's no simple answer to this.  Someone who is exposed daily to large amounts of second hand smoke might live to 110 without ever having cancer or heart disease, whereas someone else might have problems within a couple of years of only light exposure.

    It's best to avoid exposure as much as possible, and live the rest of your life as healthily as possible.

  3. One week, 3 days, and 7 hours, and 45 minutes.

  4. depends how much contact of there is.

    i think many years, if breathed in regulary

  5. Hard to tell. It make take decades, but there is no question that second hand exposure is responsible for an elevated number of deaths from cigarettes. Most problems begin to occur after twenty years of smoking.

  6. Not for a good 10 years but when it does then it will be a b***h

  7. It would be from prolonged exposure for most people.  Some people might never get those 2 diseases from second hand smoke.  Everyone's different when it comes to susceptibility.

  8. This is not a smart question for Yahoo Answers since the majority of the people answering just so happen to be in the age range of 10-16.

  9. depends on how much smoke is being inhaled and the person they might never get it or they could get it in two years

  10. There are people that have smoked all their lives and dont have cancer or heart disease. It all depends on if you are predetermined to the genes that cause cancer and heart disease.

  11. There is no line where before you are safe and after you are not safe.  Any exposure can lead to cancer of heart disease  and the more, the higher the chances of complications.  

    It doesn't work that you can be exposed until you start to have symptoms, and then you should not be exposed anymore.  Exposure in childhood can lead to complications right away, or in 20, 30, 40 years.

  12. it usually takes effect as soon asyou  inhale the second hand smoke  

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