
How long does it take to get a divorce in California?

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  1. the actual time line is six months from the date that the papers were served on the other party in a non contested divorce.  

  2. Look online.  The law statutes should be on their website.  You might check with the legal community as well.  It depends on what your spouse does too.  In Colorado a divorce is supposed to take 3-6 months but my ex drug his feet so long it took TWO YEARS!  He was busy searching for a new sugar momma and the legal community allowed it to drag on!

  3. A minimum of 6 months from the time the papers are filed until it's finalized. That's excluding any issues with property, children, finances, etc.

  4. I believe it is 6 months from the day papers are filed with the clerk. That is if you can get an easy divorce with no necessary court hearings. My friend and her ex got a marriage dissolution. They both signed the papers and had no children or property to disputer. The clerk told her the papers sit in a file cabinet somewhere for 6 months and then the divorce is finalized. Basically they make you wait a minimum of 6 months in case you change your mind.

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