
How long does it take to get a good fast rythem with a Speed Bag?

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I have good coordination, i am 20 years old, and i am in the best shape of my life as I also play baseball at a Division 1 University.

I also wanted to know if it is possible to get decently good at boxing in general without having to pay for a trainer or an expensive gym?




  1. keep practicing and practice slowly at first and work your way up

  2. To be honest, without good, proper training, you will be making A LOT of mistakes.  You need to learn boxing fundamentals if you wish to be truly successful.

    I don't know where you are located.  I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and I was able to find a great boxing gym at a very affordable cost.  It was a recreation center gym which specialized in getting kids off of the streets.  I think the membership was $15 a month.  It was not a trendy gym with supermodel personal trainers running around and doing aerobics classes.  It was a old-school hardcore gym, something like you would see in "Rocky".

    Those types of gyms are the best for serious boxers.  You will learn to work hard and hone your craft instead of being worried about fashion.

    Look for some rec centers in your area!!!!

  3. To answer your title question...

    It only took me about 2-3 hours to get a decent rhythm going on a speed bag at my gym.  I was working with a boxing trainer at the time, but he just gave me these pointers (the rest is just practice): hit the bag with the side of your hand while making a loose fist/on the end of your pinky knuckle (think karate chop impact point), then just hold up your elbows and hands, hitting the speed bag LIGHTLY, two times with each hand and alternate.  Let the bag hit the board three times between hits.  Start out slow, hit and count the hits in your head or aloud, "hit, 1-2-3, hit, 1-2-3 ..." and you will have it in a few hours of practice!

    As far as getting decently good at boxing, that will take some training sessions from someone who knows a thing or two...(not necessarily a trainer tho)

  4. i am 23 i started training for boxing at 22 and i was not in good shape at all, i got pretty good at the speed bag within a few days i went from workin on the 8x10 to the 6x9 and within a two weeks i was workin on the smaller 5x8 bag. you can go to and purchase some training videos there for a reasonable price.

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