
How long does it take to get a tan?

by Guest66825  |  earlier

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i want a tan and i have 3 days before school starts and i want one before school starts




  1. A couple-few hours. Just go out when the UV rays are strongest. will tell you when that is, for your area...  You may have to click on it twice to get it to work...

  2. buy fake tanning wipes, semi chem have a great pack 20 wipes for 1.99 sometimes on offer at 1.49 a pack superdrug do them too, the night before have a bath or shower have a good scrub and exfoliate get dried and moisturise ur whole body next day apply the wipes which are similar to baby wipes wear some latex gloves 99p a box semi chem! do ur hands last dont rub the wipes too hard on feet elbows or hands as these tend to go a little darker than the rest of u for a dark tan just keep applying the wipes all over, either that or a salon spray tan normally around 30quid expensive and the wipes do the exact same

  3. Well I have bathing suit tan lines, still, from a 5 hour pool party at the end of July (I haven't swam since, though that's pretty sad, lol), but I'm asian so I can tan easily without burning.  I suggest just staying out a bit and supplementing your real tan w/ one of those lotions with a hint of color that build up your tan over time =)

  4. The best tanning hours r in the morning from 10am-2pm. I tanned during those hrs on Mon and I got a really good tan. Hope I helped! Good luck!

  5. if it sunny you can tan in a few hours everyday to build a gradual dark color if not go get a spray tan if you want one that bad.  

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