
How long does it take to get an interview at macdonalds after you've handed an application form in?

by  |  earlier

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hi, ive recently handed an application form in for macdonalds ( about 6 days ago ) and i just wanted to know how long it takes for them to reply to you for an interview. they have a sign up outside saying ' Hiring Now' so i was just wondering. thanks




  1. Just remember that YOU are not the only one applying and they are going to take more experienced people before anyone ( yes even at McDonalds) Its very Tech now.... They will study your application among the others and choose accordingly.... I use to be a manager at one and sometimes one can be called back the same day or it may take a week.....  They will run a credit check( this takes time as well) and possibly a drug test on you if hired .... Once hired( if) it takes a few days as well as you will go to orientation and pick out uniforms etc and then they will schedule you.

    Be patient and if you havent heard from them in over a week, like the other suggested GO in and ask  dont call as it shows more motivation to come to the store!

  2. Usually it takes a company anywhere from 1-3 weeks to interview after an application is received. Of course this depends on how badly they need help.

  3. It could be anywhere from twenty minutes to twenty days depending on the needs of the particular restaurant

  4. They are not necessarily going to give you an interview.

    Stop in and ask to speak to the manager.

    Tell him/her you are following up on the application you submitted and reiterate your interest in the job.

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