
How long does it take to get from Los Angeles, California to Paris, France?

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I'm writing a story and I need 2 noe how long it takes if the characters were to fly from their home in Las Angeles to Paris, France.




  1. It varies, but it seems to take from 14 to 18 hours. (I don't think there are any direct flights between those two cities, so bear in mind that this involves a transfer somewhere in the US- Houston, New York, etc. That's what I was able to find out on Continental's website- I tried Air France's site first but experienced some technical difficulties...

  2. roughly 12 hours on a plane,

    good luck! (: (: (:

  3. George is right: 10 hours there and 11 hours back. Air France, Delta and Air Tahiti offer direct flights. If you go to sites like you'll see all the times.

    They usually say 10hrs30 but the actual flight is a lot shorter. However total time spent on the plane waiting for it to take off or for the plane to get the authorization to get to a certain gate once in Paris can be much longer.

    But I used to fly Air France from LA to Paris as a kid and we always said "10 hours there 11 back".

  4. you should go on some airlines and pretend to book flights (..but make sure you don't actually book it!!!). try a few websites. they should have the local departure and local arriving time (remember tis 9 hours difference), and if its non-stop or not.

    from LA to London its 10-11 hours (non-stop), so i'm guessing LA to Paris is a bit longer.

  5. 10 hours there 11 hours back..... but it feels like days :)

  6. 10 hours non stop 16-18 hours with layovers

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