
How long does it take to get from Zurich (airport) to Luzern by train?

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How long does it take to get from Zurich (airport) to Luzern by train?

How long does it take from Luzern to brunig hasliberg or HASLIBERG GOLDERN POST (is there a difference?).

I'm goin to visit a friend this saturday and she's not very helpful, gotta milk info out of her (at least I have directions). Answers asap pls.

Oh does anyone have an idea of costs for the train rides?

Thank you




  1. You can use this site to check schedules and prices on the trains in Switzerland:

    It takes slightly over an hour and 20 minutes from the airport to Luzern with a train change at the main station in Zurich (Zurich Hbf) or a little over an hour for the direct trains from the airport to Luzern. Then it's an hour from Luzern to Brünig-Hasliberg Hbf. Hasliberg Goldern, Post is another 21 minutes on a bus from Brünig-Hasliberg Hbf.

    From Luzern to Hasliberg Goldern, Post costs 45.80 swiss francs 2nd class if you take the direct train from the airport to Luzern for your connection to Brünig-Hasliberg.

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