
How long does it take to get from the Delhi Airport to the Delhi city centre? ?

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We have 8 hrs to spend at the Indira Gandhi International Airport and were thinking of leaving the airport and having breakfast in Delhi. Is this feasible?




  1. about 2 hours in traffic, (that there usually is)

  2. Taxis are the easiest way to get to central Delhi, especially for those not familiar with the city. Metered taxis are available but it is best to use pre-paid taxis (via the taxi counter in Arrivals), to eliminate any uncertainty over fares. Airport buses also leave for central Delhi 24 hours a day. Travel time to the city is around 30 minutes by taxi and 45 minutes by bus.

  3. it should take u 45 mins or less each way - so it is possible and feasible as long as flights arent late


  4. On a good day, about two hours there and two hours back, but you can't bet on the traffic, and its a long way to go for a breakfast !!.

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