
How long does it take to get good at surfing if you go like everyday?

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How long does it take to get good at surfing if you go like everyday?




  1. Depends on what you mean by good.  If good means catching waves (including set waves) in a crowd, turning, doing some basic surf moves, adequate wave knowledge on where to position yourself and where to paddle through the lineup, and getting some respect from the crowd to be able to catch some of the good waves - then I'd say at least a year.  I've seen some of the hot young semi-pros progress from beginners.  Most of them (even those with natural talent) take the entire summer, fall, winter, and spring to become competent enough to phase out of the beginners class.

    Going everyday really helps because you will encounter all types of conditions and situations.  But surfing cannot be mastered in a short period.  Word of encouragement:  regardless of how fast you progress, you will find enjoyment in the process of learning and improving.  Just enjoy the ride and don't press or rush your progress because it will take the fun out of learning that could lead to frustration.

  2. it depends on how good your waves are. if it is like a really good break with crumbly waves, then it will be fast. but you should start on white wash. so ummm like a week or less if you really commit and go a few hours everyday and get a friend to teach you or come along.

  3. Depends what you call good.

    You should be able to stand up and feel completely comfident on a surfer after a year.

    It's all about experience on different types of waves though. Depends on what your local bay has too offer. e.g. wedge, point break, reef

  4. Took me about 4 months.

  5. depends on how committed you are and if your home break is constantly pumping waves

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