
How long does it take to get over the sadness after loosing someone that meant a lot to you?

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I was close friends until we got physical.We didn't have s*x but we just fooled around.It was a mistake and i felt guilty about it.

However he has been distancing himself from me ever since.He never called me and its been 2 weeks.

I respect his decisions for not talking to me but i have been so sad about it.I miss him terribly because i really enjoyed his company.I also missed his friendship and i have been crying. I think its for the best if we stay away from each other.

So how long do you think it will take me to stop missing him and get back on track




  1. Everyone is different, but I've been through similar scenarios.

    It might take months and months to get over someone you really care about. Try to keep yourself happy :)

  2. hey, I don't mean to belittle, but from the way you asked the q it sounded like a close friend had passed on or something, which is what happened to me.. which is insanely hard.

    Although this has happened to me too.. You'll want to keep calling him etc. but don't.. just wait. It's the best course of things here..

    U say you respect his decisions but they hurt you..I think that's gud of you to be able to make that distinction even when you're hurt:-)..

    Right now, because it's so fresh, you'll feel like you'll never get over it.. but you will .time DOES heal all wounds.. be around friends a lot and try to surround yourself with people that make u laugh and smile!

    do the things you love , you'll feel better in no time..

    take care!

  3. some weeks or some months.its tough

    jus try to keep busy with your own things to keep your mind off might even take,until you find someone new to forget about him also  

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