
How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage??

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I know everyone is different but reading some of the other questions im very confused... i miscarriage on february and my hubby and I decided to wait 'till this month to start trying again. We had intercourse on my fertiles days( i track them with an ovulation kits) and im not supposed to get my period 'til 8/12 but since last sunday i been feeling a little dizzy, nauseas once in a while, bloated, every day some light cramps, headache... and today I have some lite sharp pain in my low abdomen what could this be??




  1. Sorry for the miscarriage.  

    Usually your next cycle following a miscarriage is the most fertile.  However, if you had to have a D&C most Doctors want you to wait until 3-4 months after to TTC again.

    I sometimes get dizzy and nauseated around ovulation time.  Some women can also get bloated around ovulation too.  Really it's too early to tell if you are pregnant because you probably just ovulated.  I'd wait it out and see what happens closer to the time aunt flow is due.

    Good luck and I hope you fall pregnant soon!

  2. you're right, it is different for everyone. i miscarried back in january and became pregnant again in may after waiting for 3 months before trying again. it sounds like you definitely could be pregnant. best of luck! baby dust to you!

  3. I miscarried in April this year and was told to wait 3 months before ttc again i just could not wait that long so we decided to try again after 1 normal period then in June i concived so anything is possible you sound pregnant to me thats how i felt but i thought i was reading into it to much so i tryed to take my mind off of it and wait for my period to come but it didn't. Even if you feel pregnant and you might not be (i hope you are but) take it easy take time to relax. Good Luck and Lots Of Baby Dust Your Way x*x

  4. Honey, it sounds like you are pregnant!!! Dizziness, nausea, bloated, cramping, and headaches are all pregnancy signs!! Cramping and those sharp pains in lower abdomen were my #1 early pregnancy symptoms. You can get pregnant any time after a miscarriage. Sometimes they say you are more fertile after a m/c . GOOD LUCK and I hope u get a BFP!  

  5. Sorry to hear about your mc.  I myself had a mc in Feb of this year and started trying again in May and I'm going to test in a few days.  I guess everyone is different and some do conceive right away...Baby Dust to you also

  6. I miscarried in Sept. 06 and got pregnant again in March 06. Dr. told me to wait 3 months, mainly for emotional support but as soon as you get your first period after MC, you can start trying again if you feel as if you are ready!

    As far as the symptoms, pregnancy and your period have the same symptoms and can sometimes be mistaken for one or the other.. all I can say is test, it may be a little too soon.. but who cares, I always tested early!! haha Good luck honey.

  7. Firstly i'm so sorry you miscarried in Feb. Glad to hear you are both back into the ttc.  I just wanted to tell you the symptoms you have described are exactly the same as mine and i'm due af on the 7th. I'm nearly afraid to test! Stupid huh!! I guess i like thinking i am pregnant and dont want to be disappointed if i take a test and its bfn! Well best of luck to you, hope you get the bfp this month. Lots of ~*~babydust~*~

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