
How long does it take to get to take orders quickly, and know the whole cashiering process. I'm a new cashier.

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Have been at Burger King for two days. I still don't know how to take orders. How long does it take to know everything about taking orders.




  1. Are you a quick or slow learner ?

  2. Well, I've been a cashier at Wendy's for about a couple of months. I would say that it takes about somewhere around a week or so to get the general gist of the process, but about at least a month to know it in and out. There will be the occasional 'wtf' moment because someone will undoubtably come along with this long, elaborate order that makes next to no sense because they're citing off items that go by different names or from other fast food stores and asking for things that probably don't even exist anymore. But maybe that only applies at Wendy's, I don't necessarily see anything change very often on a Burger King menu. But, generally that does happen from time to time. Don't worry too-too much about it, you'll get the hang of it.

  3. To learn the basics about a week or two.  To be pretty good at it about a month or two.  To learn advanced stuff about a year.  To know everything good luck.  And just to let you know the time that they want you at is about two minutes per car.   And also remember that they are probably gonna cross train you in the back.  And don't worry if you make mistakes it happens.  Your bound to make at least one in the average day.

  4. Well when i first started working in burger king it took me a week.I hope this helps

  5. YOU will probably be old and retired before you have learnt everything

    but the basics should take a week or two.

  6. yep a week

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