
How long does it take to get use to a new contact prescribtion?

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I just got fitted for contact lenses after years of wearing glasses. This is only my second day wearing the trial lenses. I don't have any trouble getting the lenses in and out of my eyes, but I'm not use to the new prescribtion since it's stronger than my glasses were. How long should it take for me to get use to the new prescribtion? If I don't get use to it, is there anyway the eye doctor can find out the prescribtion of my glasses and just give me contacts with the same prescribtion? I got the glasses from a diffrent doctor and don't know the prescribtion, but I've been wearing the same ones for 2 years and never had any problems with them.




  1. When I get a new prescription, it usually takes a couple days.  My daughter just started contact lens this past summer after wearing glasses since second grade.  It took her about a week.  Make sure you follow your schedule and don't be tempted to overdo it.  You'll be fine!  Remember that contacts are not exactly at the same place where your glasses were.

    The reason for the trial is so that you make sure that you are getting the right prescription.  Often, eyes improve with the contacts.  If you start getting bad headaches and are following your schedule, recheck with her about them.

  2. same like you, i just got myself content lenses and im wearing the trial lenses now.

    it does feel different with lenses especially while walking down the streets. everything look so much clearer and hence it feels much stronger.

    yup, the doctor can check out your prescription of your glasses using a machine. my doctor checked my glasses for the prescription and fitted me with a trial lens a lower prescription. and then wearing the trial lens, the optometrist checked my eye powers by reading off the screen of alphabets, and from there trial and error with my power.

    since it's ur second day, stick with the schedule of wearing it 4 hours a day, and increase it by 2 hours as each day comes along...and you'll probably get the hang out of it in 1 week time.. (i took abt 2 weeks because i had astig)

    so no worries. if you feel any dizziness or giddy still because of the strong power, go do your eye doctor for a check up. and they will fix yours accordingly.

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