
How long does it take to get used to a tech support job

by  |  earlier

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I've been on this IT support job for a month and I'm still making 1 or 2 mistakes per week (giving the wrong information, keeping the customers on the phone for too long, etc.). I'm feeling kinda incompetent...Any tips anyone ?




  1. John i have been in this field for years and years and years and as hard as it might be to believe even I make mistakes it's part of the business the key is to learn from it , and continue on  

  2. I agree with the first guy, no matter how long you've been doing anything, you will make mistakes, especially in IT. You can't expect to know everything in a month. Technology is constantly changing so you will never know it all. No one does. The only thing you can do is to learn from your mistakes. Ask questions. If you aren't sure of the answer, ask. Your organization probably has a limit as to how long you are on the phone. Stick to this limit, even if that means having to pass the call to the next level of support. Don't accept this as failure, accept this is as you did what you could with what you had. There will be some calls that you can't resolve. Be courteous to your customers, broaden your knowledge, and enjoy your job.  

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