I started looking for jobs my Jr yr in high school, but I never herd anything back. Then I started looking again right after I graduated from hs, and again, I didn't hear back from the local stores I applyed to. I'm a college student now and the only job experience I had is working at a cafe shop in the school I attend to. They only give me three hours of work because I'm in between classes, and Its really not enough for me. Since it's summer, I'm out of work because they don't provide any business during the summer months, so I'm out of work untill August. It's very discoruaging not hearing back from these jobs I had applyed at. I've been told that the encomany is bad and a lot of places are not hiring. I'm 21 and I only had one job experience, which I started in January of this year, and none of these other places I applyed to have called me. I even went in and asked the manager if he or she have recived my application, and most places did but are not looking for people.