
How long does it take to learn a roundhouse kick?

by  |  earlier

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I need to show this off in a talent show. I have no martial arts experience.




  1. it took me a day to learn it, a few months to become very good with it, and i doubt I'll ever truly be able to master it.

  2. That really depends on the person. Everyone learns at their own pace.

    You really should have had a better plan for a talent show. You don't come up with a talent at the last minute. Being able to do a roundhouse should not win in a talent a show. It is not that impressive doing a roundhouse.

    What is impressive about a roundhouse is when you use it effectively. Example: I had a female student around 9 years old. She was visiting a relative. An older teenage boy would always bother her. She asked him several times to leave her alone. He refused. She used a roundhouse that she had just learned to make him stop. Her mother called me and told me about it. She even used a kia! That boy hes never tried to touch her inappropriately again since.

  3. it depends on how fast you catch on. its really not that hard. it also depends on how good you want it to be. you can just do the kick or you can do it with speed,power, and height. good luck on the talent show. so it could take a month or a day or 2 minutes.

  4. "I fear the one round house kick  practiced 10,000 times but not the 10,000 round house kicks practiced once."

    'Master Shifu',  KUNG FU PANDA

  5. I imagine it differs with each person.  My brother nailed it perfect the first time, it took me a lot longer.  It's not all that hard though.

  6. 1 week of flexibility training.

    Then get someone to hold a 1x1 dried pine board, then roundhouse kick it.

  7. That depends on the individual.

    It could take you from 1 second to years, some people are naturals, some people are slow learners.

    That would also depend on where you are aiming, the low roundhouse kick can be learned more easily than the high one, as flexibility is not a factor.

    good luck!

  8. well i took karate for a while. probably 2 years. and it didnt take long to learn it for me. but there were several others in my class that took quite a long while.

    our instructor kept saying that it depends on how your hip rolls. there are people that can do a roundhouse kick and learn it really quickly. its really not that complicated it just depends on your balance and how your hip rolls.

    and he also said there are some people that can learn a side kick much easier because of how their hip rolls.

    it seems as if you are good at one you cant be great at the other. it may only take a few minutes.

    or you might never get it. sorry to be negative but thats what our instructor used to tell us

  9. what kind of shape are u in ?

    sounds like u need to lose some poundage before

    attempting it , sorry

  10. how about show it off when it could save ur life lol. but it shouldnt take long...took me like a day to get the hang of it..but it takes a few days to perfect it. but just kick and pivot on ur support foot. sry not much help but its better if i show then tell u with words.

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