
How long does it take to learn basic hip hop?10pts?

by  |  earlier

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how long does it take to learn the "basic" hip hop moves and could you give some links for free instructions because i dont plan on attending class i have some rhythm on my feet :P

all help is appreciated.




  1. Well.. that really depends on the time you are willing to dedicate and who the teacher ect. would be. But i say it would be about a month for a dedicated person including the basics for a simple dance... search youtube and you just search on google for instructions or better yet clinics if any

  2. it depends on how much natural rhythm and moves you got. and if your a fast learner. just watch some real dance videos and music videos (possibly) and try to mimic some stuff.

    good luck

  3. Basic hip hop can be tough, so start with rhythm and movements. And arms waves, so all in all,

    Basic hip hop can take as less than a day to a week, it all depends on hood good you are with rhythm and style and the movements with your body and how fluid you are, and how tight and precise and right on the beat you are.

    Hopefully this was helpful.

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