
How long does it take to learn how to sweep pick on guitar?

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I've been playing guitar since August of 07'. I can already play a lot of a7x stuff. I'm using a metronome and practicing consantly. I just wanna know how long it will take.




  1. it took me a year and a half of an hours practice a day (average).

    but then again thats just me

    i practiced the song Thunderhorse by Dethklok

  2. Check out the "" website. Get free lessons and learn all those techniques.

  3. hmmm its really dependent upon u, if u really have the passion to sweep, u will get it down in about 3 weeks if say...u practice 3 hrs a day on just that and maybe 1 more hour incorporating songs that include sweeps (this was the way i did it), and there is SO much in sweeps so when i say 3 weeks i dont mean every sinlge type of sweep, id probably guess that if u follow this routine u will get 3 string sweeps in 3 weeks, then if u follow up consistently with that i would say it would take another month to get 5 string sweeps down to perfection, i mean all the way down and all the way up, 6 string is more of a personaly prefernce and there really sint an average..

    note: and the type of sweep (as in thoery) is dependent upon u as well, but i know for sure is that it depends on what type of sweep u wanna since it sounds like u dig A7X then u would wanna learn the minor shape sweep first and possible a half dimnished 3 string arpeggio which i have incorporated into the sources, this are the types of sweeps A7X uses....

    good like and email me if u have more questions

  4. i play 21 hours a week, and i try to sweep constantly. ive been playing for 3 years, and i cant get it. but i know people who learned it within 2-3 months. sorry i dont have an answer... but it varies

  5. with a lot of practice it will come in no time

    i play too

  6. One lesson, but mastering it takes years.

  7. It takes as long as it takes.  Really, if you use a pick, you already know how to do it, you just need to coordinate it.  All you're doing is strumming as you would a chord, and fretting and unfretting individual notes rather than a chord.

    Check out Marc Seal's lesson on YouTube.

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