
How long does it take to learn tumbling?

by Guest62642  |  earlier

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I am interested in private lessons in tumbling. I am hoping to join my high school cheer squad next year, and although experience is not necessary, I feel as though a knowledge of tumbling would enhance my overall performance as a cheerleader. I am also a competitive dancer and there may be some opportunities to incorporate tumbling into various hip hop routines ect.

I am very flexible and I work out a lot. I have very little experience with tumbling. (I can do a cartwheel and a round-off)

I know the names of many skills and how they are done, (front/back walk-overs, handsprings, round-offs, layouts, fulls, arabians, front punch, tucks... ect), but I can not perform them.

I am wondering how long it took you to learn tumbling?

I am hoping to get through as much as I can by the spring of this year, but the season isn't until next August when football starts.

Do you think with a good amount of practice I will be able to learn at least a bhs and maybe a back tuck?




  1. Okay well it rly depends on your whole mindset about the situation.  If you're like me, and as soon as you're this close to getting the skill, you get a mental block and can't throw it anymore, it might take you a little longer then a couple of months.  Try working on standing bhs first and then trying r/o bhs.  In my opinion, a r/o bhs tuck is easier then a standing tuck since you have more power coming into the tuck.  Work hard like 1-3 times a week.  I practice 3 times a week, working diff skills each day.  Practice hard and good luck!

  2. I was in your EXACT same position a few years ago. It took me around 2 months to learn a standing bhs. If you don't have and mind blocks it's easy from there as long as you get a good coach and practice all the time.


  4. yeah since your strong and flexible i think if you go atleast once a week for 2 months youll have a bhs if your willing to practice at home too, and for the tuck im not really sure but i think atleast 3/4 months to perfect

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