
How long does it take to make a video game?

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From start to finish, how long would it take to create a modern video game?


~~Ali. :)




  1. It depends on the game if you were making a tic-tac-toe game it would take all of 10min, to make a game like world of warcraft it can take years because there are so many other things you have to take into consideration. That will make the program much larger as well as programs aren't perfect so there can be minor problems that have to fixed over the time that the game is in use. So the more complicated the game the long it takes to make and the more upkeep is required to keep it running smoothly.

  2. If you are doing it alone, it could take more than 5 years i would imagine.

    But my dad told me (hes talked to people who make them) that the companies that make those type of games all have different people on different jobs, like the characters, buttons, cover art, the land or background, and then the actions and other stuff like that.

    it could take about a year if u have a full team working on it.

  3. depends.

    Full Pc gmaes cna take anywhere from a year to several. though over 3 years and msot developers cancle or it becomes Vaporware.

    PSN/XBLA type games take about 3-6 months.

    Flash gmaes about a week.

    tehre was a group of peopel who did " 7 days games" so gave themselves 1 week to come up wiht an idea, make a prototype, then polish ot full game, then uplaoded whatever they made that week.

  4. if its a proffesional type video game, like bungie's halo or nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy, at least a couple months. Probably around a year to create everything, then publish.

  5. The programing is probably the easiest part.  Those guys know what they are doing and do it well.

    It's the marketing planning, licencing planning, conferences and yes I say again, planning before hand that takes the longest time.

    After that, it's printing and publishing adds, websites and packaging.  Which takes more planning and time.

    Nothing worth the money they put into something like a computer game takes less than a year.

    I used to work for a state of the art conference centre and companies like Microsoft and Nintendo were regulars coming for months at a time planning a single game.

  6. Oh, good question! ~starred~

    If it's 3-D and big like Halo, probably 2-3 years.

    If it's a 2-D game, probably around half a year-1 year.

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