
How long does it take to notice food poisoning symptoms?

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There is a mexican restaurant in my city that is very popular, and very good. One of my friends got food poisoning from it about a month ago. I had to eat there today, and nothing i ate had meat in it, and its been about 7 1/2 hours, if i did get food poisoning from this, how long would it take me to know?

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she was the only person id heard of getting sick from it

and my friends have gone there since and eaten the same thing and been fine....

im just very cautious!




  1. It takes 8 hours for u to start getting food poisioning symptoms

  2. Up to one or two days. You should be fine though.

  3. My experience was that I was VERY sick in about 12 hours.  I could not hold water down.  I was headachey and nauseous for about 4 hours before that so.... you should know soon! :)  

    Either way, food poisoning is short, you would be ok in about 24 hours.  It sucks, but it's not the end of the world - colds last longer! :)  

  4. Usually it shouldn't take more than a few hours for you to realize you have food poisoning, depending on how badly contaminated the food is.

    Or perhaps you did eat bad food, but your body's natural immunity is stronger than your friends :D

  5. it doesnt take long at all to start having symptoms you would have already started getting sick a long time ago

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